
While navigating a myriad number of life challenges from being her mom’s caretaker, working several jobs, to facing housing insecurity, Anjelica Avella turned to the outdoors in her mid-twenties to improve her mental health. Despite feeling the benefits of time spent outside for her well-being, the lack of other plus-size women of color she was encountering on trail was noticeable. In an effort to form community, Anjelica began leading weekend hikes and trips for other women who too were seeking others with shared lived experiences. Forward chronicles Anjelica’s perspective in a space that has historically excluded individuals like her and shares a profound connection between women who once felt sidelined and are now a catalyst for change.

Silver Telly Award
“MacGillivray Freeman Environmental Filmmaker Award” - Coast Film Festival
”People’s Choice” - No Man’s Land Film Festival
”Special Jury Mention” - Kathmandu Mountain Film Festival

Hola, soy Anjelica!

When I’m not helping kiddos as a speech therapist you can find me in the mountains, my home away from home. I’m a plus size Hispanic outdoor explorer taking up space and saving it for you, to create a more diverse and inclusive outdoors. Backpacking has changed, saved, and made my life better in so many ways. The hiking community has been a huge source of support for me, and I aspire to inspire others to chase after every outdoor dream they may have. This the way I see the world, one step at a time. Your pace doesn’t matter, forward is forward.